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These Rules are for TBC Shoots only for 3DAAA Shoot Rules please refer the 3DAAA Web Site.


1.1 Normal rounds shall be; 1 round  of 20 targets using a 2 arrow round. If the 1st arrow misses, the 2nd arrow is used and only scored minus 6 points.
1.2 Exception to this rule is when a special or novelty shoot is held. Criteria may change at these shoots.


2.1 The targets shall have scoring areas as follows:
A “20 ring” consisting of a circle inside the vital area.
A vital area “18 ring” that roughly approximates the heart, lung and liver area of the appropriate animal.
The remainder of the animal shall be considered a “body” and be scored as sixteen (16) except as set out in the Paragraph below.
2.2 An arrow embedded in the hoof or horn of an animal, not touching body colour, is considered a miss and is scored as a zero.
2.3 Targets with legs of a different colour than the main body will still be considered as body colour for scoring.
2.4 Targets having material surrounding the actual outline of a target animal. These areas will NOT be counted for score.


3.1 The shooting position shall be identified by a marker which shall carry the following colour:
White cone = Maximum 54 yards (50 metres)
Yellow cone = Maximum 41 yards (37.5 metres)
Red cone= Maximum 27 yards (25 metres)
3.2 The shooting position shall be such that no part of the body trunk shall be forward of the marker.
3.3 When shooting, the archer must touch the appropriate stake with some part of their body.


4.1 In order to propagate good sportsmanship and competition within classes, an archer in a class containing only one competitor will compete in the Class above their own.
4.2 An archer may nominate to compete permanently in a Class above that, which their equipment would dictate.

Competitors who are NOT members of 3DAAA will be able to shoot if they are part of the Archery Alliance.  However, they are not eligible to win.


Bowhunter Unlimited (BO)
A compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restrictions on sights, stabilisers, or style of release. No range finders of any description will be allowed for competitive shooters. 
BO archers will shoot from the WHITE stake; maximum 50 metres.


Bowhunter Release (BR)
A compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restrictions on stabilisers, or style of release. A sight shall have fixed pin, cross hair, or circle style pins without a lens or magnification. 
No range finders of any description will be allowed for competitive shooters. If circle style pins are used, all circles must be the same size. Sights may not be adjusted after entering 
the shooting course. BR archers will shoot from the WHITE stake; maximum 50 


Compound Unaided (CU)
A compound shot with fingers directly contacting the bowstring using a glove, finger tab, or bare fingers. No sighting device of any kind may be used. No range finders of any 
description will be allowed for competitive shooters. A rest and plunger are all that may reside within the sight window of the bow. There shall be no markings on the bow or bowstring 
that could be construed as sighting marks. Archers must use the same knocking point and anchor point for each shot, and fingers must contact the string in the same place for each 
shot. FACE AND/OR STRING WALKING ARE NOT PERMITTED. CU archers will shoot from the WHITE stake; maximum 37.5metres.


Recurve Unaided  (RU)
A recurve bow without a sighting device. A rest and plunger are all that may reside within the sight window. No range finders of any description will be allowed for competitive 
shooters. There will be no markings on the bow or on the bowstring that could be construed as sighting marks. There will not be any type of draw check on the bow or string. There 
may be only one (1) knocking point on the string. Must be shot with a glove, finger tab or bare fingers. The arrow shall be of the same material and in uniform length and weight. There 
shall be no restriction on stabilisers. The use of clickers, draw checks, mechanical or electronic devices shall be prohibited as a shooting aid. Must be shot from the YELLOW stake; 


Traditional (TRAD)
A longbow, Horse bow or any other similar bow without a sighting device. Arrow should be shot from the shelf or hand with no elevated rest. Only a piece of leather or similar material 1/8 inch thick or less shall be allowed on the arrow shelf. No range finders of any description will be allowed for competitive shooters. There will be no markings on the bow or on the bowstring that could be construed as sighting marks. There will not be any type of draw check on the bow or string. There shall be a single (1) knocking point on the string, i.e. this single (1) knocking point 
may have two (2) knock point indicators on the string between which the arrow is knocked on the string. Must be shot with a glove, thumb ring, finger tab or bare fingers. No stabilisers or counter 
balances shall be allowed. The use of clickers, draw checks, mechanical or electronic devices shall be prohibited as a shooting aid. While shooting, the archer shall touch the arrow 
with the index finger against the nock, and using a single anchor point. Must be shot from the YELLOW stake; maximum of 37.5 metres.


Youth 13-17 Years of Age

Youth Archers may shoot in any division above with same rulings.
Youth archers may shoot from the RED stake; maximum of 25 metres. Youth archers may opt to shoot from the Adult coloured stake if they feel confident to do so.


Cub 0-12 Years Of Age 

Cubs may shoot in any division above with same rulings.
Cub archers will shoot from the RED stake; maximum of 25 metres.



Non Competitive Class (NCC)
A compound, recurve or longbow with or without a sight. Any type of release aid, glove, finger tab or bare fingers may be used. A maximum of eighty (80) pounds peak weight is 
allowed. To be shot from whatever stake the archer feels comfortable with.
This class will be non-competitive for all competitions.
Competitors will NOT be awarded a trophy in this class.
Entry fee is the same as any other age equivalent division.
No records will be kept for the division.

This division has been designed to cater for the novice archer who wishes to try the game, but is not confident shooting from the distance dictated by their normal equipment. The 
competitor is not confined to shooting a full round from the same stake, but can move between stakes depending on the difficulty of the individual shot.


5.1 Each archer is required to fill out a score card detailing their full name, the date and the class of competition.
5.2 Two archers will be nominated to score by the group Captain. The group Captain may be a scorer.
5.3 An arrow touching the line marking the edge of a greater scoring area shall be given the higher score.
5.4 The point of an arrow must stick in the target in order to receive a score other than a zero (0).
5.5 Once an arrow passes by the target it will be scored as a zero (0).
5.6 If an arrow passes by the target, hits an object and ricochets into the target it will be scored as a zero (0).
5.7 An arrow that passes through a target may be scored if witnessed and agreed upon by the majority of archers in the group.
5.8 A pass through is an arrow passing completely through the target with material 360 degrees around the arrow, leaving a separate entrance and exit hole. If the pass through was 
witnessed by a member of the group other than the shooter, and the group cannot agree, the archer may re-shoot the target before the group advances to score the target; without 
adjustment of equipment.
5.9 An arrow embedded into the nock end of an arrow embedded in the target shall be scored the same as the embedded arrow.
5.10 An arrow that hits another arrow (with the ‘struck’ arrow showing visible damage) and does not stick into the target shall be given the score of the ‘struck’ arrow. The majority of the 
group must agree that: (1) a particular arrow was struck, and (2) that striking the arrow prevented the arrow from sticking into the target. If this is not agreed to by the majority of the 
group the arrow shall be scored as a miss.
5.11 A bounce back is an arrow that squarely strikes the target and bounces back toward the shooter. An arrow that glances off the target is not considered a bounce back. A bounce 
back may be scored if the score can be agreed upon by the majority of archers in the group. If a member of the group other than the archer witnesses the bounce back and the group 
cannot agree, the archer may re-shoot the target before the group advances to score the target; without adjustment of equipment.
5.12 An arrow released or dropped accidentally will be scored a zero (0) unless the archer is able to retrieve it while touching the stake.
5.13 Any arrow intentionally shot into the ground or any object other than the target shall be considered an act of unsportsmanlike conduct and the arrow scored as a miss.
5.14 All arrows must remain in the target until all arrows are scored. The status of any doubtful arrows must be determined and a judgment made before drawing any arrow from the 
target. An archer can not decide on an arrow call if the arrow in question is theirs.
5.15 Groups will be responsible for calling their own arrows, although if present a Range Official may call any arrow.
5.16 One group shall not hold up a following group looking for lost arrows. Enough arrows shall be carried by each archer. If for any reason a group is holding up another group, the 
following group shall be permitted to pass through.
5.17 No person shall move forward of the shooting marker without the permission of the group captain. No person may move forward to inspect the location of score zones, prior to 
shooting the target.
5.18 No person shall return to the shooting position other than in the case of an arrow passing completely through the butt. Only the group captain is permitted to allow anyone to return 
to the shooting position if they deem it justified.
5.19 No member may practice on any target to be used for a trophy shoot on that day.


6.1 A Binocular or monocular is only permitted whilst the archer is not at the shooting stake (before and after their turn to shoot).



All archers must be aware and adhere to club safety rules and must conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner.

7.1 Mobile phones must be on "Silent Mode" or turned off, during competition.
7.2 Arrows must weigh at least five (5) grains per pound of the bow’s maximum shooting weight. Equipment shall have no limit on arrow speed.
7.3. Draw weight shall not be adjusted after entering the shooting course. Adjustments can be made only after equipment is checked at the conclusion of a course. Doing so will be 
considered poor sportsmanship and subject to disqualification.
7.4 Arrows must not exceed manufacturer’s recommended limits on arrow weight and draw length.
7.5 No restriction on point weight.
7.6 No restriction on fletches.
7.7 No restriction on cresting.
7.8 At all TBC Events, an archer, upon the ‘good faith belief’ of a rule, may file a protest, verbally, with the Shoot Director.
7.9 The Shoot Director will adjudicate on the matter.
7.10 If the archer is not satisfied with the result he/she may file an appeal in writing, requesting consideration that clearly outlines the basis for the appeal. The appeal is to be lodged 
with a member of the committee. The committee will convene and adjudicate on the matter, in its sole discretion, may consider the protest solely on the written submission or may 
require testimony of available witnesses.


8.0 Events
8.1 All adult members have to participate in a minimum of four trophy shoots to qualify for a Club championship trophy. Members may still shoot in the Club Championship if they have not attended the four trophy shoots but will not be eligible for the trophy.

8.2 Junior and Cub members are exempt from the above rule.


9.0 Trophy Shoots

9.1 Shoots start at 10:00am sharp.

9.2 All members are required to sign in for the shoot before 9:45am to allow for organising of the shooting groups and to allow mandatory bow checks to be done.

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